Monday, April 18, 2011

Easter Chaos

A brand new day, a brand new design! I'm really feeling the Easter vibe now, and decided to go absolutely crazy as far as colours go. This was also a great excuse to use my thin brushes. I bought them almost a year ago, and I've been putting off using them (just because my designs didn't requie them or my polishes had thin brushes already) for quite some time. Time for a change, the brushes come out!

I also need to re-stock on remover. I have just run out of my acetone free stuff, and  tried Safeway's lemon-scented remover. I don't recommend it. It doesn't work too well and dyes your nails yellow. REALLY unattractive! Then I remembered that I have some LCN remover in my salon (not to far of a walk from my bedroom to the basement). I still need to get more, but at least I have that for now. To be honest, I was rather sad taking off the spring grass design, which has to be one of my favourites, but this design is a nice change for this week.
I took this picture the second after I completed this hand, so I didn't have time to clean around my cuticles. I also need to do a bit of shaping... moving on from my train of thought, let's get onto how I created this look. After applying a base coat, I applied a thin coat of Sally Hansen's "Nearly Nude 2". Then taking Magi Nail Art's sky blue, I got my thin brush (yey) and dragged that between my free edge and smile line, as well as up the side of my whole nail, leaving about a mm or 2 gap off the side. I then took Magi Nail Art's light green and applied this first above the blue line on my tip, then up the side of my nail on the opposing side to the blue. Then with Magi Nail Art's peach, I dragged that at the very tip of my free edge, and up the inner side of the blue. Taking Sally Hansen's "Mellow Yellow" from her Xtreme Hard as Nails line, I placed that above the horizontal green line, and on the inner side of the vertical green. For the final stripe, I took Sally Hansen's Insta Dry in "Lively Lilac" and created one line down the centre of the nail, and another horizontally in any free space you can find.
  For the daisies, I got my large dotting tool and place two random dots of Mellow Yellow on each nail, then I circled the dots with Art Deco's White. Finally, I took Rio's Green and created small leaves on the daisies. Once dry, cover the design with a top coat, including the free edge. This design looks rather complicated and it definitely is trying to explain in words how to create it, but if you didn't get too lost, enjoy your nails! I tried to film this design, but I ran out of memory on my camera half way through and failed to realize this. Better luck next time!

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