Sunday, July 24, 2011


|I finished Portal and Portal 2 a long time ago,
|But I recently downloaded the end credits songs for both of the games
|And was inspired to come up with a Portal design.
|I really wanted to use the portals themselves for the design,
|But my nails are square shaped for strength
|And because portals are round,
|I couldn't use them as tips
|Which was my original idea.
|I was tempted to make a design using the Companion Cube,
|And with square nails, that would be easy,
|But the want to use portals was too strong.
|I do have the neon collection from MigiNailArt, 
|So I had the colours I needed already,
|But coming up with a background was tricky,
|Because in the game, the background is a white wall
|And whatever is through the adjacent portal.
|I didn't want to use the white
|(And I'm not sure why)
|But I think using the black was a pretty good substitute.
|What do you think?_
|This design sounds easy but I actually found it white difficult.
|It's also quite messy.
|After a base coat, paint your nails black.
|I used China Glaze's "Liquid Leather".
|You should always were a base coat,
|But because black is so strong, you MUST apply a base coat first!
|I can't stress that enough.
|Once the black is dry, place dots at certain points of the circle
|So you can use them as a guide.
|The take a clean foundation sponge.
|Either paint the polish directly onto the sponge,
|Or put some polish on a dish and dab the sponge into that.
|(I used the first method).
|Using the gradient technique,
|Dab the polish around in a circle. 
|It doesn't have to be neat.
|Try to get a gradient effect.
|For blue, I used MigiNailArt's "Royal Blue"
|And for the orange, I used MigiNailArt's "Neon Orange".
|Once that is done, outline the centre of the circle with the designated colour.
|This helps it stand out.
|Then taking the black, paint in the centre.
|With the same black
|And the same sponging technique,
|Dab the black around the edges of your nails.
|This makes the gradient stronger.
|Let dry, then finish with a top coat.
|Right after I was done this design, 
|Tragedy struck.
|My hand got caught on a cupboard handle.
|I broke the nail of my index finger.
|It's very near my finger,
|So filing all of my nails down to match is not ideal.
|What I'm going to do is buy nail glue and a nail patch,
|Try to temporarily fix the break with them,
|And keep the rest of my nails long.
|Soon I will probably file them a bit shorter for safety.
|Once the break is further away from my finger,
|And my broken nail has grown,
|I'll file it away at the tear.
|It might look weird, but that's life.
|I hope you like this design.
|I'm going to listen to those songs again.
|A proud moment for me was when I finally memorized the lyrics to them both.
|But despite the tear in my nail...
|It's still alive._


  1. Those portals seem to draw me in! Scary.

  2. Don't worry! If one draws you in, you'll just come out the other.


Thank you for viewing my blog! I will read every comment and answer as many questions as I can, either with my own comment, or in the next blog post.