Monday, August 15, 2011

Art Attack

As promised, here is today's second design! I'm not sure if I'm allowed to use the title "Art Attack", but I'm going to try. One of my favourite TV shows when I was a little girl in England was Art Attack, where you learned how to do arts and crafts using every day items you can find around your house. The title sequence at the start of every episode had a white background, and as the names of the people involved in the show were shown, various colours of paint was squirted onto the background. I haven't seen this show for a very long time, and every time I've come across it in Canada, it's in French. Anyway, I created this design, and Art Attack was the first thing I was reminded of, so that's the title of this design. It also does look like attack of colours in an artistic way, so hopefully I can get away with this title.
This was my first attempt at the design, so I'm going to have "failed fingers" and my favourites. The design on my thumb is my favourite. So, for this design, after a base coat, paint your nails white. I used Sally Hansen's "Lavender Cloud". Then, take a yellow (I used MigiNailArt's "Lemon yellow") and draw the basic shape of a paint splatter or star in the corner of your nail. You don't have to bee too neat, because paint splatters aren't neat. After the splatter, place random dots around it. Now with a green (I used Rio's Green), create another splatter in another corner, followed by more random dots. In the third corner, create another splatter/dot design with a blue. I used Rio's Blue. And in the final corner, another platter with more dots using a pink. I used Rio's... well I can't find a name on it, but it's a shimmery pink/purple. Once the design is dry, cover it with a top coat. Easy!
If you look carefully, you can see other shades of the same colours underneath my final design. I started with those colours and found the design looked too light. If you want to use lighter designs or really copy my design and place lighter colours under the bolder ones, I shall tell you what I used. I liked the neon yellow, so I kept that, but underneath the green, I used MigiNailArt's "Kelly Green". Beneath the blue, I used MigiNailArt's sky blue, and beneath the purple I used MigiNailArt's peach.
This is my third and final entry to the nail art contest I'm participating in. Check out the video below. In the video, you will be able to see the design with the original colours. It's up to you which set you prefer. I hope you like this design!

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