Thursday, September 22, 2011

Keep it Crackled

During band practice, a friend of mine (and lead singer) had this amazing colour on her nails. I asked her about it and she said it was OPI's "Turquoise Shatter". For the rest of the practice I couldn't keep my eyes off her nails. Once the evening was over, I asked her how much it cost, thinking that I must go pick that colour up for myself sometime. A few days later, she had kindly bought the polish for me, and I have so much thanks for her! I tried it out on my own nails, and I don't want to remove it because I adore the colour!
So this is OPI's "Turquoise Shatter" over top of Nicole by OPI's "Keep It Real". I keep wanting to look at my nails all day. This has to be one of my favourite manicures. When my hands are far away from me, the blue and pink make my nails look purple, which is my favourite colour ^.^ I think I mentioned before that if you don't have a colour underneath a shatter polish, it's works like a regular varnish. I don't think you can wear a base coat the prevent it from crackling, and I recommend you always wer a base coat, so to protect your nails, go and buy the same colour in a regular varnish instead. I'm all about making your nails look good with my free-hand nail nart, but looking good also means having healthy nails. I care about the health of your nails as much as the polish you put on them. So I'd recommend buying this beautiful colour! I think it's amazing!

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