Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Sparkly Black gradient tips

The most uninventive title ever, but it's almost 10pm and I have a headache. My bed is calling me! Anyway, I quickly did this design last night because I needed something on my nails. When I can see them and all their natural details, I want to pick or bite them to correct them somehow, which is not good, as I grew up being a nail biter and I'd like not not start up again. It's been about half a year since I bit or picked at my nails, and I'm really proud of myself.

However, the bad news is, the nail that I broke before that I spend ages regrowing has broken again. Not as short this time, but still pretty short and it feels weird to look at and touch. I first snapped it as I was getting into my car, but I used nail glue to hold it together. A couple of das later I caught it between my drum sticks mid-song and it snapped off completely, so I have no choice but to regrow it. However, my thumb nail that ripped and was barely hanging on has now almost fully grown out thanks to extensive nail glue applying and careful handling. I have filed my nails shorter than usual (but still long) to help the broken one catch up faster.
I did do a similar design for my Midnight Tips, and I posted a picture of the black gradient I had on to start that design, but I added sparkles to this. Using Sally Hansen's Xtreme Wear "Black Out", I sponged it onto my tips to get a gradient effect, then I covered my whole nail with a couple of thick layers of Sally Hansen's "Diamonds". I've wanted to try out the glitter overlay since I bought the polish (of course, or why buy it) and I'm so glad that it turned out as I had hoped and better!
Looking at the black and sparkles on this design, I'm now Christmas inspired. I'm also practicing in my church choir for the upcoming Christmas service, and it's cold today so I threw on a thick sweater decorated with snowflakes. Christmas, here I come! I'm not a great fan of winter though. It was snowing a few days ago and I didn't want to get out of bed. I don't want to admit it's almost winter, as it's only the beginning of November, but Christmas is exciting, and the weather is forcing me to give in to the season. This means that there will be Christmas and winter nail designs coming soon, although there will be a variety still =)

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